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801-754-5465 or 801-609-2222 (during business hours)

If you want to read Ogden’s books online click here. Or if you want a hard copy you can contact us to see if it’s in stock.

Under One Cover – As Ogden Saw It In Vision


AFTER 22 YEARS, the most important project that we’ve been working on has finally been completed! We’ve been compiling all of my Dad’s books (Ogden Kraut) that he authored and compiled about early Church history and gospel subjects into ONE large book. 70 books plus an index all put into one Bible Edition. This was my Dad’s final legacy (see his written account of the book above). Right before he died he passed this important project on to me to finish. My dad picked out the cover material, the front design with the Ensign flag and other details. It is 4 and a half inches thick and 8.5 wide by 11 inches tall. This massive masterpiece will be a beautiful heirloom for generations. And to be carried into the Camps of Zion (where there obviously won’t be any computers.)
-Kevin Kraut

If you would like to purchase one of these Bible Editions, they are originally priced at $350 but we are discounting them to $275 for this first run. You can call us to pay over the phone, use the PayPal link below or use Cash app or Venmo.
Old Pioneer Press
PayPal Link: https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/VNTV4CKVG2Y4N

 Ensign to the Nations – Individual 7 Volume Set

Volume 7 (the INDEX) is now available in paperback! We are still struggling to find a book bindery to do the hardback.  If you have been ordering the set one book at a time and we didn’t get you notified when they were done. Please Contact Us about getting your books.